An absurdly powerful D&D podcast



Taking place in the world of Mana, the Riptide campaign (DM'd by grizzlyplays) follows the adventures of Gillion Tidestrider, Jay Ferin, and Chip, captains of the Riptide pirates. During this campaign, these three take to the seas, exploring the oceans and islands of Mana while making friends, enemies and family. Their goal is to fuck shit up, to help those in need, and to be the best goddamn pirates anyone has ever seen. The campaign is available for free on all streaming platforms.




Chip (he/him) is a swashbuckler rogue played by Bizlychannel, more commonly known as Bizly. Originally a member of the Black Rose pirates before their disappearance into a 'hole in the sea', Chip is a character who jokes around a lot, but follows his own moral code and cares deeply for his friends. His goal is to find out what happened to the black rose pirates, and possibly reunite with them. He is very close to his co-captains and crewmates, and does not kill anyone or anything other than hostile monsters.

Jay Ferin

Jay Ferin (she/her) is a ranger/artificer played by Condifiction. Born into the Ferin family, majority of whom work in the navy, Jay joined Chip's crew as a navy spy in an attempt to find out what happened to her sister, but her loyalty now lies with the Riptide pirates. She is the most intelligent of the captains, given her tinkering and navigating skills, as well as her resourcefulness, creativity, and adaptability. She is, in many cases, the voice of reason, but is often seen egging on the antics of others and can act irresponsibly. She is extremely loyal to her family, blood or otherwise, and has a strong sense of justice.

Gillion Tidestrider

Gillion Tidestrider (he/him) is a paladin/sorcerer played by Slimecicle, also known as Charlie. Born as the Chosen One of an undersea prophecy, Gillion was raised by the Undersea Elders to become the hero of the deep and fulfill his destiny. After being exiled for attacking a navy officer, Gillion was found and invited to become a Riptide pirate by Chip and Jay, where he formed close bonds to them both. He is very reckless, impulsive, passionate, follows a strict moral code, and is highly curious about the world around him and extremely self-sacrificial. He is extremely loyal and protective of his friends.